Posted by : admin Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Price: $22.99

Product Description

Bathe like a champ with this unbelievably versatile Tri Strike Crossbow soaker! It's shaped such as a crossbow and its arms release for 2 different modes involving soakage. When the arms come in, you can fire a single steady flow of water at objectives up to 38 feet apart! But if you're going for a even bigger soaking at closer selection, deploy the arms for the triple stream of normal water! This large-capacity soaker stands up to 40 ounces involving water, so you'll be the best drencher with the Tri Reach Crossbow! Nerf and all connected characters are trademarks involving Hasbro.


***** (5 stars) - Our kids LOVE water celebrations, water balloon fights, h2o gun fights, etc . We certainly have invested in a lot of water firearms over the years. We have learned Ligament Water Guns are always value for money. They last a long time, are good top quality, and are loads fun.

Shoots Well
Aims effortlessly
Quick Refill
Shoots a few streams of water
Can easily retract the side bars and also shoot 1 steam regarding water at a greater length
Smaller water reservoir implies lighter weight for young kids

Smaller water tank of water-holds 40 oz of water-which means you should refill often - Hilary D. McCaskill

***** (5 stars) - My very own 7 year old and ten-year old loved this pistol. I measured the heating range and it does photograph a pretty good stream all around 30 feet. What nearly all surprised me was this shooting all three streams immediately did not noticeably reduce the heating range. It runs beyond water pretty fast, you could absolutely soak someone using this type of. It is a very fun pistol. - Olga T. Keith

Source: Amazon

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